Oct 28th halloween parties at denver gay bars

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19th Annual James’ Beach and the Canal Club Halloween party. Calling all ghouls and goblins… don’t miss the Westside’s Biggest Gay Halloween Party! Event benefits Venice Pride. DJ Joey and wrestlers Lucha Libre, lots of scary clowns, & more! Details here!

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Costume contest, calavera tequila, four spooktacular rooms with Live Music. Calavera Tequila and The Victorian invites you to LA Noche De Los Muertos Ball. We will be cruising the Marina del Rey harbor aboard a Hornblower Yacht with spooky spirits and creepy conversation (aka delicious drinks and great people!). Join our friends at Hornblower Cruises and fellow LAX Chamber Young Professionals for a Halloween-themed floating happy hour. LAX Coastal Chamber YP’s and Hornblower’s Halloween Booo’s Cruise in Marina del Rey. In this feature photo: The A-Team Matteo Baker, Mike Ryan, & Alexander Stowell at a Canal Club and James’ Beach Halloween Party. So, we have assembled them into one place for your convenience. There will be parties, concerts, cruises, contests, and more, all over Venice for the next several weeks. And this year’s festivities will be nothing short of legendary. Halloween in Venice has always been spectacular.

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Check out our calendar of Halloween Happenings in the V!

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